Another Path-or-Nones?

Ian, being a Guardian reader, discovered an article about another group, a sort of proto PONS in Horsington South Somerset.

HERE is the link

You might like to also move down to the comments where Ian has responded, pointing out that right to roam (probably the journalists ignorance) is nothing to do with a ‘fielded parish’ nice term).

By the way we have 41 miles of paths not 41 km

Taylor-Wimpey and the Paths Behind the Crown

A terrific amount of thought, talking and work has gone into our response to the way in which Malvern Hills District Council in particular and also Worcestershire County Council have dealt with the paths diversions, re-routing, blocking of above routes. They have ignored local opinion, illegally applied constraints on use, not followed procedure on consultation and so on–a really shabby, unprofessional performance taken as an insult by the Path-or-Nones and the Parish Council.

We have responded by way of a jointly signed letter to the Chief Executives of both councils as well as to our MP.  In addition, now that the consultation documents as required by law, have been circulated, we have made our comments known about the proposed new routes affecting four well used pathways.

HERE are our comments about the proposed routes.

HERE is the letter to the County Councils and our MP

Kingswood MT671 Repair

WP_20141116_018 WP_20141116_015Path MT671 suffered massively from subsidence over the last 12 months, guilt here in that all of the news about all of our activities has not been recorded. Huge amount of clearence and path re-routing/making so that once again this delightful route alongside the river can be used by walkers, particularly important as it forms part of the GeoPark Way.  Ian took some pics in December that give an idea of the state now.  We took many pictures of the blocked and slumped land during the year but all of them failed to do justice to the devastation of the area, that no doubt will continue owing to the nature of the land.  Mud and silt piled on to slippy limestone under.

  • Top (North) of Chimney Lane on a Frosty Morn Top (North) of Chimney Lane on a Frosty Morn
  • MT671 Repaired and Re-Routed Site 1 MT671 Repaired and Re-Routed Site 1
  • Chimney Lane Chimney Lane
  • River Teme, by the Weir River Teme, by the Weir
  • MT671 Repaired and Re-Routed, Site 2 MT671 Repaired and Re-Routed, Site 2


Workparty and Brekky 21st December

A tale worth recording at any rate.

The experienced, qualified team–always a big one when there is a free brekky in the offing–popped down to install a, ‘oh it won’t take long to do this’,  gate just up river from Kingswood weir.  So much for Land Rovers and those who invested in them. Stuck! Couldn’t get back up the slippery slopes!  Oh dear. Shame.  Thank goodness for Rob Day and his trusty steed (Toyota?), up and down the hills like a spring lamb with a winch.  The pictorial evidence of this embarrassing event is brought to you by reporters on the spot. Pictures blurred from giggling.

Gate installed and bridge re-enforced and made wider–all those travelling the Worcestershire Way should be grateful.  As far as I can reflect, this might have been the last stile on the WW through our patch, tho there are technically one or two near Hill End farm but these are avoidable usually.

Thirteen of us sat down for our annual breakfast, whistles wet with a touch of champers and home made bread.  Not many complaints about that.

  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (1) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (1)
  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (4) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (4)
  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (3) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (3)
  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (2) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (2)
  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (5) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (5)
  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (6) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (6)
  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (7) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (7)
  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (9) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (9)
  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (10) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (10)
  • 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (8) 21dec14 Kingswood Bridge (8)
  • 21dec14 xmas Brekky (1) 21dec14 xmas Brekky (1)
  • 21dec14 xmas Brekky (2) 21dec14 xmas Brekky (2)
  • 21dec14 xmas Brekky (3) 21dec14 xmas Brekky (3)

Proposed Horsham Paths Re-Routing

To accommodate the very extensive work ongoing at Horsham farm where racing stables and personnel accommodation is being built, greatly upgrading and improving the old decrepit farm out buildings and housing, a proposed path diversion.

The idea is to move the path, currently crossing a horse paddock then through what was always a very muddy and ugly farmyard, easterly to an upper paddock thence to the old ‘lane’ from the telegraph pole in the bracken (we know where that is).

We checked out the route and think it a much preferred option though we did suggest a slight modification to the landowner’s original proposal.  Here it is:horsham paths diversion Dec14

Just like to re-iterate the message to our Parish Clerk that the way that Worc. CC has managed this, full consultation, plenty of time etc contrasts SO sharply with the methods employed by MHDC on the paths behind the Crown.

Massive Path Clearance July 20th 2014

Good turn out of 10 today, all ended up hot and sweaty, steamy weather.  Huge amount done all round Horsham, by Colin Griffiths house, behind Hope House Farm, the longish path opposite Robs (very bad indeed) and the one by Mel Farmers plus all the stiles at the south end of the parish.  Ongoing complaints about the path by Mel Farmers (MT705) and the one through Taylor’s old yard (now Pencroft MT723) have not been attended to by County so will make them aware of these issues once again.
Here are maps with work done in green and stiles cleared as black dots
cleared 20jul14 1
cleared 20jul14 2


Events of June 14

Loads of clearance done, all over the parish and much more to do; many paths we have cut twice–well done all those involved.  The Worcester Ramblers came along on Thursday for a geology walk, 38 of them! and commented on how good they thought our paths were.  Praise indeed, thanks Rams.

Terrible amount of rubbish left near the old weir at Kingswood, suspected school leavers party–why do it?  The Ramblers took some of the litter away then, mysteriously, on Friday 27th morning, there was this lovely little red car parked down there!  We caught it as it was being towed away by a friendly farmer.  Don’t worry, we know whose it is but have blanked out the plate.  Rest of the rubbish disappeared too.  Unfortunately the adjacent gate on the GeoParkWay was wrenched off its top hinge.  Be good if the offending party would fix it for us.

Little red car at Kingswood Weir, Friday 27th June

Little red car at Kingswood Weir, Friday 27th June

Damaged Gate

Damaged Gate


Damaged Gate

Damaged Gate



March 30th 2014; a lovely day, good turn out, much done  The appearance of Tony and of JP back from a jet setting holiday in places normally seen in the confines of the colour supplement, presaged significant achievements, and so it proved–6 sign posts, a new gate, a new style and a waymark post. Thanks too to Jan Corbett for the coffee and the elegant mugs in which it was served. A 25 strong walking party from Walsall passed through on a ten mile walk and later they returned on the track by The Chandlery, whilst I was cutting firewood.  One asked me about my small pool and were there any fish in it.  I said there used to be but not now, they had all died. How she asked.  They drowned, I said.  I caught a bit of Black Country muttering as they descended towards the church–‘bloody comedian he is’.

Here are the pics:

  • At the start, MT572 where it joins B4204 At the start, MT572 where it joins B4204
  • Carl, with Ben and JP Carl, with Ben and JP
  • Andy Andy
  • Andy and Simon Andy and Simon
  • Discussion Group Discussion Group
  • Andy and John Andy and John
  • Alasdair and Carl Alasdair and Carl
  • Andy, Simon, Alasdair and Carl Andy, Simon, Alasdair and Carl
  • Alasdair, still at work, weaving fence wire Alasdair, still at work, weaving fence wire
  • Andy, John, Jan, Simon Andy, John, Jan, Simon
  • Kingswood Lane Kingswood Lane
  • MT686 Bray's Land, by B4204 MT686 Bray's Land, by B4204 Ian, Ben (foreground), Simon, JP, John, Andy
  • MT686 Bray's Land, by B4204 MT686 Bray's Land, by B4204 Tony, Alasdair, Carl, Simon, Ian, John, JP (no Hi Viz)


37 done 27 to Go

The Path-or-Nones project to replace over 60 roadside signposts is well under way with around 10 being replaced each working session.  Sunday 23rd Feb saw 11 of us working at the North end of the parish.  Here is a double installation (one is in Great Witley parish) up Hockhams Lane with Colin and Rob


River Side Path Closed

Route 671 along the river from Kingswood weir has been closed by Worcestershire County Council Rights of Way, for a period of at least 6 months from end Feb 2014.  As previously reported severe erosion had caused difficult walking; now, sections of the path have completely disappeared.  Once subsidence has run its course (if ever) a new route might be possible.  Recommended diversion is along the Worcestershire Way that is further up the bank.

kingswood diversion map