March 30th 2014; a lovely day, good turn out, much done The appearance of Tony and of JP back from a jet setting holiday in places normally seen in the confines of the colour supplement, presaged significant achievements, and so it proved–6 sign posts, a new gate, a new style and a waymark post. Thanks too to Jan Corbett for the coffee and the elegant mugs in which it was served. A 25 strong walking party from Walsall passed through on a ten mile walk and later they returned on the track by The Chandlery, whilst I was cutting firewood. One asked me about my small pool and were there any fish in it. I said there used to be but not now, they had all died. How she asked. They drowned, I said. I caught a bit of Black Country muttering as they descended towards the church–‘bloody comedian he is’.
Here are the pics: