March 30th 2014; a lovely day, good turn out, much done  The appearance of Tony and of JP back from a jet setting holiday in places normally seen in the confines of the colour supplement, presaged significant achievements, and so it proved–6 sign posts, a new gate, a new style and a waymark post. Thanks too to Jan Corbett for the coffee and the elegant mugs in which it was served. A 25 strong walking party from Walsall passed through on a ten mile walk and later they returned on the track by The Chandlery, whilst I was cutting firewood.  One asked me about my small pool and were there any fish in it.  I said there used to be but not now, they had all died. How she asked.  They drowned, I said.  I caught a bit of Black Country muttering as they descended towards the church–‘bloody comedian he is’.

Here are the pics:

  • At the start, MT572 where it joins B4204 At the start, MT572 where it joins B4204
  • Carl, with Ben and JP Carl, with Ben and JP
  • Andy Andy
  • Andy and Simon Andy and Simon
  • Discussion Group Discussion Group
  • Andy and John Andy and John
  • Alasdair and Carl Alasdair and Carl
  • Andy, Simon, Alasdair and Carl Andy, Simon, Alasdair and Carl
  • Alasdair, still at work, weaving fence wire Alasdair, still at work, weaving fence wire
  • Andy, John, Jan, Simon Andy, John, Jan, Simon
  • Kingswood Lane Kingswood Lane
  • MT686 Bray's Land, by B4204 MT686 Bray's Land, by B4204 Ian, Ben (foreground), Simon, JP, John, Andy
  • MT686 Bray's Land, by B4204 MT686 Bray's Land, by B4204 Tony, Alasdair, Carl, Simon, Ian, John, JP (no Hi Viz)


37 done 27 to Go

The Path-or-Nones project to replace over 60 roadside signposts is well under way with around 10 being replaced each working session.  Sunday 23rd Feb saw 11 of us working at the North end of the parish.  Here is a double installation (one is in Great Witley parish) up Hockhams Lane with Colin and Rob


River Side Path Closed

Route 671 along the river from Kingswood weir has been closed by Worcestershire County Council Rights of Way, for a period of at least 6 months from end Feb 2014.  As previously reported severe erosion had caused difficult walking; now, sections of the path have completely disappeared.  Once subsidence has run its course (if ever) a new route might be possible.  Recommended diversion is along the Worcestershire Way that is further up the bank.

kingswood diversion map