Events of June 14

Loads of clearance done, all over the parish and much more to do; many paths we have cut twice–well done all those involved.  The Worcester Ramblers came along on Thursday for a geology walk, 38 of them! and commented on how good they thought our paths were.  Praise indeed, thanks Rams.

Terrible amount of rubbish left near the old weir at Kingswood, suspected school leavers party–why do it?  The Ramblers took some of the litter away then, mysteriously, on Friday 27th morning, there was this lovely little red car parked down there!  We caught it as it was being towed away by a friendly farmer.  Don’t worry, we know whose it is but have blanked out the plate.  Rest of the rubbish disappeared too.  Unfortunately the adjacent gate on the GeoParkWay was wrenched off its top hinge.  Be good if the offending party would fix it for us.

Little red car at Kingswood Weir, Friday 27th June

Little red car at Kingswood Weir, Friday 27th June

Damaged Gate

Damaged Gate


Damaged Gate

Damaged Gate


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