Proposed Horsham Paths Re-Routing

To accommodate the very extensive work ongoing at Horsham farm where racing stables and personnel accommodation is being built, greatly upgrading and improving the old decrepit farm out buildings and housing, a proposed path diversion.

The idea is to move the path, currently crossing a horse paddock then through what was always a very muddy and ugly farmyard, easterly to an upper paddock thence to the old ‘lane’ from the telegraph pole in the bracken (we know where that is).

We checked out the route and think it a much preferred option though we did suggest a slight modification to the landowner’s original proposal.  Here it is:horsham paths diversion Dec14

Just like to re-iterate the message to our Parish Clerk that the way that Worc. CC has managed this, full consultation, plenty of time etc contrasts SO sharply with the methods employed by MHDC on the paths behind the Crown.

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