Sunday 18th Oct 15–Bulmers

Bulmers yes, but before that a route on the popular Walk No.10 that Ian had spotted last month needed full length clearance, hedge trimming and attention to the stile.  Route 539 on map below:

Route 639 from Pudford Farm to B4204

Route 639 from Pudford Farm to B4204

After the above, off to Bulmers.  Ben (and Simon) painted hundreds of trees after the style of Monet, i.e. somewhat blurred and smudged (routes 604, 605, 608, 595). Waymark posts were re-discovered in the undergrowth and several re-installed.  The bridge on 595 showed signs of collapse so JP and gang erected a quality support leg under the defective longeron.  Dozens of trees were cleared of overhanging branches on route 595.  All in all a good day and Bulmers, an area not visited for a couple of years was left in good state.  Later Tim (thanks Tim) cleared a wide swathe on route 595 across to B4197.

In addition the team completed clearance of overgrowth on causeway 602 and resigning of route 600 with additional waymark post.

map 2 18Oct15


Bridge that needs replacing

Bridge that needs replacing


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